Sigma R17 Upgrade KIT

Upgrade kits: Update your old BCN3D Sigma with the new BCN3D Sigma R17 features



During the last year we got a lot of feedback from our customers, reviewers, users, distributors and partners about the BCN3D Sigma. This feedback mixed up with the strong desire from our design team to enhance the Sigma’s versatility while printing with the IDEX (Independent Dual Extrusion) system.From that feedback and that strong desire borns the Sigma Release 2017 that we quoted with: Reengineering Versatility.

Obviously, the amount of feedback received outpaces the possibility to implement all these little solutions into the BCN3D Sigma as it is. We introduced a bunch of little redesigns from some simple printed parts to the major components like the Stepper Drivers.

With the intention of maintaining the confidence of the costumers that already own a BCN3D Sigma, we have designed these enhancements in order to be able to be sold also as an upgrade kit. Therefore, any owner of an original BCN3D Sigma will have the possibility to update their machine with the new features we have incorporated into the Sigma R17. Our experience says that being Open Source it has no sense to keep the older users trapped in old features waiting them to purchase a new machine to catch up with the rest of the community. Instead, we wanted the maximum number of users to enjoy the new features, those who have the, let say, “old” Sigma version and the new Sigma R17.

Sigma R17 Upgrade KIT